#13 Summer Break (what I did and thought)
It's usually around this time of the year, when I received tons of questions regarding my blog. Hahahaha. I have no intention to completely abandon my blog but rather, I wanna stop writing for a while and... well basically think. Now, I've done my thinking and here is my post :) Earlier this year, perhaps u guys don't know, my dad passed away unexpectedly without giving us any warning. Perhaps that's the best way to go. Many people dying with excruciating pain, so to pass away painlessly is seriously a blessing. I regret I didn't spend more time with him because I was busy and he was too. Losing your father feels like you lose the guide in your life. He used to give me advice and support me financially and emotionally. And so, I thought "if I fail in Japan, i can just go home and start over again". Well, that's not an option anymore. You go and win or die. That's it, no second chance. I got questions from my friends and one of them was "w...