
#19 Life Updates :)

B&W photo taken by yours truly :) Did you realize it's been nearly 2 years since the last time I updated this blog? I would be surprised if there are still any of you here reading this old man's blog. From what I see, my most viewed post is still the one about that scholarship. Well what can I say?  In case you guys don't know, I graduated kosen (高専) this March. Hooray! Since coming to Japan, going to university is pretty much the only goal I've had in mind. Personally, kosen is just like a detour I took to achieve that goal. That being said, I still enjoyed that detour. I managed to meet bunch of wonderful people throughout the way, some of them might have brought changes in my life.  I am currently studying at Tokyo Institute of Technology (東工大) as a junior. As the name suggests, the campus is located in Tokyo, so I can't stay in that dirt cheap dorm forever.. I gotta move to Tokyo. I found that the whole process of looking for apartment and moving in is highl...

#18 Hit Refresh

It's summer of 2019. I just came back from my 1 month holiday in Indonesia and during my stay, I realized there weren't so much things to do. If you live in Indonesia (especially Surabaya) and you want to hang out with your friends, chances are you go to mall. While it's true that there are some new mall(s), I found them the same. Plus most of my friends had already started a new term in university and so finding time when everyone can hang out together was basically impossible. Thankfully, I brought my Kindle with me so naturally I began looking for a good book to kill time. At the same time, I watched a video on Youtube in which the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, tells you about his daily schedule. I found it quite alluring and I wondered whether this guy has ever written a book or not. And yes, he has. You know what, for some reason, you can find it extremely cheap in Amazon (102 JPY or 0.95 USD). I doubt its quality initially since I believe a good book can...

#17 New Gear

Oh boy, here we go again. My third Golden Week (often abbreviated as GW) in Japan, and this is definitely the longest one. It's 10 days of consecutive holidays. For those who are wondering why it suddenly got longer, well, we got a new Emperor. That means 平成 (Heisei) era is done, now we are in 令和 (Reiwa) era. I know Japanese calendar system can be confusing if you're not familiar with it. To put it simply, it's based on the reign period of an Emperor. The previous Emperor resigned (which is very uncommon) because of old age (apparently idk) and he got replaced by his son. Anyway.. That's all for today's history lesson. Let's go to the main topic. Two weeks ago, I bought a new camera (yeay). Why you asked? Somehow, I got the first place in my class so I got myself a present.  I contemplated between DSLR and mirrorless though. After a long consideration, I decided that mirrorless suits me more because of its portability. However, here is the problem:...

#16 Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman

You know what, after some considerations, I think writing review of books sounds like a pretty damn good idea. This is definitely not my first time attempting to write a review, I wrote a short one of Elon Musk's book. However, that one was sloppy as hell. So, this time, I will take my time and hopefully you enjoy reading this. Near the end of last year, I made a promise to myself that starting from 2019, I will try my best to read 1 book per month (it doesn't sound like a lot, but for a person who never read books besides textbooks it does). In January, I bought this book that has the same title as this post. Why I bought this book You know, when you imagine what kind of person physicists are, they seem kinda boring and love to discuss difficult things using complicated words. Even teachers nowadays can fit into that description just fine. Have you gotten into this kind of situation? You ask your teacher about certain topics you don't understand, he/she explains ...

#15 International Students Short Trip

Halo semua. Udah bulan 2 akhir" nih. Kalo di Jepang, kebanyakan sekolah udah pada libur akhir semester. UAS ak juga udah selesai, udah dibagiin juga hasilnya. Hasilnya bisa dibilang bagus sih tapi I think I could do better . Pelajaran di 高専(kousen) waktu kelas 3 tuh ngga seberapa susah aslinya, asal belajar aja pasti bisa.  Temen" ak orang Indonesia udah pada pulang kampung semua, kecuali saya. Kenapa? Well , karena liburan sekolah ak cuman 1 bulan, alhasil ak ga bisa di Indonesia lama". Dan mengingat bahwa ongkos pulang dari Tokyo-Surabaya ngga murah, yaahh.. bulan Agustus aja deh. Lagian bulan segini Jepang lagi enak-enaknya soalnya suhu nya pas. Kalo di bandingin ama Indonesia dingin sih. Tapi suhu segini pas kok gais. さて, sesuai dengan judul post kali ini, di sekolah ak tiap bulan Februari ada yang namanya 留学生旅行(International Students Trip). Kali ini ke daerah Gunung Fuji di Yamanashi Prefecture. Aslinya ini bukan pertama kali ke daerah sana sih ak. Tah...

#14 Menjelang 2019

Tokyo Illumination 2018 Ehmm.. Halo semuanya.. Sekarang dah jam setengah satu malem nih ceritanya. Tiba-tiba kepikiran, blog ga pernah disentuh. Kehidupan international student di jepang, terutama waktu liburan, tuh aslinya ngebosenin banget si. Kalo ak d asrama, temen" ak orang jepang balik ke rumahnya masing" buat ngerayain taun baru. Sedangkan ak, stay di dorm dan ga ada kegiatan selain baca buku ama main. Beberapa hari yang lalu sempet ke Tokyo si, tapi gatau kenapa udah lelah ama Tokyo lol. Udah isinya itu" aja sih. Seperti biasanya, akhir 2018 tuh ada kumpul" anak D3 indonesia. Banyak bincang" dan makan" lol. Tapi yang paling berkesan si menurut ak, ak ketemu pemilik blog yang 2 taun lalu ak baca. Jadi dia kaya nulis pengalaman nya dia gtu dan keren banget dulu ak mikirnya. Soalnya emang dulu tuh kuliah di sini cuman sebatas angan. Eh, sekarang, ketemu ama orangnya. Keren si. You know what, ak baru sadar akhir" ini sih. Ditengah ke-bo...

#13 Summer Break (what I did and thought)

It's usually around this time of the year, when I received tons of questions regarding my blog. Hahahaha. I have no intention to completely abandon my blog but rather, I wanna stop writing for a while and...  well basically think. Now, I've done my thinking and here is my post :) Earlier this year, perhaps u guys don't know, my dad passed away unexpectedly without giving us any warning. Perhaps that's the best way to go. Many people dying with excruciating pain, so to pass away painlessly is seriously a blessing. I regret I didn't spend more time with him because I was busy and he was too. Losing your father feels like you lose the guide in your life. He used to give me advice and support me financially and emotionally. And so, I thought "if I fail in Japan, i can just go home and start over again". Well, that's not an option anymore. You go and win or die. That's it, no second chance. I got questions from my friends and one of them was "w...